It’s that time of year again!
Fremont Fest is just around the corner and the weather is going to be purrrrfect. Our booth will be in the same location it’s been the last three years: across the street from Amalfie’s Restaurant. We’re going to do teddy bear adoption exams for the kiddos and spin the wheel for everyone. We’ll have some cool prizes, bandanas for the pets, and the latest news about our clinic remodel.
So stop by our booth and say hi and tell your friends and kids in the neighborhood to visit and adopt a teddy bear and learn why it’s important to have your pet examined each year. See you Saturday!
As always, our clinic will be open on Saturday regular business hours during the festival. You will only be able to drive to the clinic from the East side of Fremont. There will be a street sign posted at the intersection of 57th and NE Fremont stating Fremont is closed to through traffic. Continue driving on NE Fremont traveling West bound to reach our clinic. NE Fremont street will be closed just past our clinic, so you will be able to access our parking lot and the side street. Thanks for your support!